Year Built 1916
Builder Hunslet Engine Company, Hunslet Leeds, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom.
Works Number 1229
Wheel Type 4-6-0T
Cylinders 9 1/2 x 12
Mill First Used at in Mackay Cattle Creek
ID Number or Name "WD 317", "No. 2", "LIZZIE"
Fate Donated to Australian National Gauge Railway Museum Society (ANGRMS) in 1974. Parts used with chassis of Hunslet No: 1240/ Remains scrapped.

Formerly a former British War Department Light Rail surplus locomotive, it was built in 1916 to service the trenches along the Western Front in World War 1. It was returned to England where it was repaired in 1918 and then sent to the War Department Light railway at Purfleet in Essex.

It was bought by Hunslet Engine co. in 1924 and rebuilt for the Engineering Supply Company of Australia (ESCA) in Brisbane, Queensland. It was then sold to the Haughton Sugar Company at Invicta Mill in Giru.

It was then purchased by the Tannalo Tramway Company .  The boiler was replaced in 1952.

On 29 October 1956 it suffered damage after a collision with a Queensland Rail train outside the Cattle Creek Mill. It suffered one broken and two bent axles. It was rumoured that a replacement chassis was purchased from a northern mill and the boiler and other parts from the damaged loco used to create a new loco. 

It was out of use from 1965 and in 1974 was donated to the Australian National Gauge Railway Museum Society (ANGRMS) at their Durundur Railway in Woodfood, Southern Queensland.

"Lizzie" on its side after the collision with a Queensland Rail Train on 29 October 1956 opposite the mill in Finch Hatton. (courtesy "Top Mill in the Valley" by John Kerr, Andy Hardy Collection, courtesy D.J. Mewes)

"No.2, Lizzie" in storage at Cattle Creek Mill. Taken 2 November 1966.
(Weston Langford Collection No: 108211)


Browning, John. various emails.


Browning, J. (1993). Cane tramways and locomotives of the Mirani Shire. Mirani, Qld.: Mirani Shire Council.


Hunslet 4-6-0T information (2019). Hunslet 4-6-0T information. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Oct. 2019].


Kerr, J. (1991). Top Mill in the valley. 1st ed. Brisbane, Qld.: Mackay Sugar Co-operative Association Ltd. (2019). Weston Langford - 108211: Finch Hatton Cattle Creek Mill No 2 Hunslet 1229-1916 Lily ex WD 317 . [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Feb. 2019].


If any changes are required for the above information please contact us by email.
  Glen Hall



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last updated 06 November 2019 .
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